The mission was established by Swami Sarvanand Sarswati on 16th Feb. 1981 at Delhi. Under the auspices of the institution, an Ashram named Mahashakti Peeth was constructed at 15. Sukhdev Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi (India).
Our Objectives
- To persevere for development of humanity in the moral, social, physical, cultural, intellectuals and spirituals fields without any discrimination on ground of race, colour, religion, sex or nationality.
- To develop goodwill and brotherhood in the society, by evolving mutual relationships based on love, fraternity and humanity.
- To extend cooperation to socially and mentally” backward people through financial assistance or scholarships.
- To train devotees, discipline, mendicants, saints and great persons in yoga and Vedant so as to develop a feeling of selfless service and patriotism within them whereby they can help to promote social welfare and human progress.
- To open Hospitals, Dispensaries and First Aid centers.
- To invite saints, yogis, sanyasis and learned people to participate in discourses, seminars, etc.
- To establish in India and abroad, Spirituals Consciousness centres and to help and treat mentally disbalanced as well as sick person, through meditation.
- To save natural wealth; to preserve forest life; to establish zoos, museum etc. and to run them well.
MAHASHAKTIPEETH IBSM Golden Jubilee Function
15th March – 23th March 2025
Download Full Program in PDF here